Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A bit too cliche?

Remember all of those cliche stories in high school sex-ed about "Tommy" and "Jenny" who unwittingly fell into a compromising situation one night after the high school football game? Poor Jenny was convinced Tommy loved her so much that she gave herself fully to the man of her dreams, only to wake up alone the dreaded morning after! (dramatic music)

I can't help but think we are seeing some morning after action going on right now in the Obama administration-to-be. He promised change and vowed not to succumb to politics as usual. He promised to bring change to Washington and "fundamentally change the United States of America".

And then he picked Joe Biden.

Yes, nothing says change more than 30+ years of Washington insider standing next to you in Scranton, PA. And now we find he picked Rahm Emanuel, a top advisor to Bill Clinton, and a speaker's pet to Nanci Pelosi, as his Chief of Staff. Not to mention John Podesta, former Bill Clinton White House Chief of Staff, will head Obama's transition team.

It seems like Obama decided to pull some quickness the morning after while half of his constituents are still bathing in the after glow of his ascension, and the other half are just happy they were not disenfranchised from voting by scary republicans with sticks. I'm willing to say we just experienced several months of what amount to political pillow talk.

But maybe I am all wrong on this, maybe Tommy really does love Jenny, as he runs out the front door, looking over his shoulder, and saying, "I'll call you, I promise!"

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